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Service & Infrastructure Monitoring
Keep track of what matters to your business

What is Service & Infrastructure Monitoring?

Service Monitoring is in charge of creating, running and managing monitors that measure all aspects of a service, such as infrastructure, application, security and business metrics. It should be deployed as part of the release management cycle, triggered as part of the modifications detected on the Configuration management database.

The overall function can be seen as including Event Management, which defines actions to take when any of the different monitors indicates anomalous behaviour. This process includes:

  • Event correlation, reduction and prioritization, allowing operators to focus on the most important events first.
  • Automated creation of incidents.
  • Triggering runbooks, for triage and correction.
  • Some of the runbooks can be automated, directly leading to reduction on the man power required and improved.

Effective service monitoring also allows to identify the key areas to be addressed as part of continuous service improvement, minimizing overall error rate.

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Benefits & Features

  • More effective actions by the agents, allowing to address the root causes instead of the symptoms, automation of repetitive remediations and identification of resolution steps for each identified failure more.
  • Quicker identification of service impacting components.
  • Quicker resolution of service outages.
  • Improved service availability and performance.
  • Monitoring of the digital experience, providing insights on the interaction of the users with the applications and services.
  • Discovery of effective interactions between the enterprise applications.

